Why You Should Start Journaling Right Now

Have you been considering starting a journal, but aren’t sure about it? Or have you ever even entertained the idea of starting a journal? Then this post is for you! Journaling has so many benefits, and I am going to share them with you. Here are all of the awesome reasons to start journaling right now. 


I have been journaling for as long as I remember. I have stumbled upon little “journal entries” from a 6 year old me just writing stuff down to complain about my little sister. Obviously, I have used writing/ journaling as an outlet for a long time! There are numerous types of journals used for different purposes, such as dream journals, bullet journals, memory journals, or even wreck this journals. I personally have a normal journal, a memory journal, and a dream journal that I write in to help me sort through my emotions.

No matter what journaling style you choose, starting a journal is so worth it. Journaling provides numerous benefits for your mental health (which I will tell you more about below.) It is also super fun and you can put your own creative swing on it and journal however you want, because it’s for you! Without further ado, let me tell ya more about why you should start a journal today!

You learn about yourself

Something that a lot of people struggle with is figuring out why they are feeling a certain way. A lot of the time there are so many emotions going on at once and it is hard to decipher what you’re feeling. Writing down how you’re feeling helps you to connect the dots. While you’re writing about your day, there is a good chance that you will be able to pin point exactly how you felt about a situation that day. Reliving your day through writing allows you to reflect on everything that happened with a different perspective. Because of this, you will learn more about yourself and how certain things make you feel in life.

Good Outlet

Writing in a journal is such a good outlet for emotions. If you are experiencing anxiety, depression, frustration, etc. it can really help relieve those emotions and will leave you felling much better. Have you ever been so angry or upset at something, but not had anyone to talk to about it? Yeah, me too. That is where your friend journal will come in handy. Your journal will never ever get annoyed at how much you complain to it, and it will never ever judge you! Writing down your feelings forces you to acknowledge how you feel, which will allow you to let those feelings go much easier. Overall, journaling leaves you feeling more at peace with things.

Document Memories

There is nothing that I love more than going back and reading my old journals to experience things all over again. With a journal, you get to relive experiences with your friends, and read how you reacted to certain situations in the past. There is no better time to start documenting all of your memories in a journal than right now! The sooner you start, the better!

Learn From yourself

Another thing that goes along with documenting your memories is that you learn from your past experiences. There have been times where I have read something that I wrote in middle school and just thought “man, I was wise.” (Which definitely doesn’t happen everyday because as we all know, middle school was a dark time.) But just seeing the way that I reacted to some things is inspiring. Looking back at past situations, the way you reacted, and the outcome can help you to realize the best ways to handle situations.

Helps Acknowledge Feelings About People

I talked about this a little bit in the first point, but journaling really makes you acknowledge your feelings. Like other mindful acts such as meditation and yoga, it makes you really figure out how you feel about things. This also applies to figuring out how you feel about people. I have noticed that through journaling, I have been able to recognize the toxic people in my life. Had I not written down my feelings about these people and how they treat me, I would not have figured out that I did not need these people in my life who were bringing me down. You can do the same! Don’t let the toxic people in your life continue to keep you from doing what you’re meant to. Journaling can be your first step towards eliminating those people from your life.

How to Start

I plan to do a more extensive post about how to start a journal, (be watching out for it ;)) but all you need to do to get started is to buy a journal and a pen and get to writing! Don’t feel pressured to write a certain way, just write however you feel! Just let your mind roam and your pen roam with it.

My favorite journals

My Memory Journal

This is the memory journal that I’m using right now! It was a Christmas gift and I love it! It is so cute and tiny and can store 5 years of memories!

My Normal Journal/Diary

This is my favorite journal that I have used so far (in my whole 12 years of journaling.) It is so cute and elegant, and I used it for two years! It is one of the only journals that I have had that didn’t fall apart! You can get it here.


*This post contains affiliate links in order to keep this blog going. All opinions are my own*

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