Books I read in 2021 Part 2 + currently reading

books I read in 2021

*this post contains affiliate links It’s that time again to talk about the books I read this past year! About half way through 2021 I wrote a part 1 to this post of the books I read in the first…

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I graduated college!!!

Last week I graduated college. 🙂 Here is a little post with some pictures from my graduation, some of the grad pics I took prior, and some details on my graduation. 🙂 I graduated from the University of Oklahoma Price…

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Caves in Ohio– A visit to the Ohio Caverns

caves in ohio

At the beginning of August my sibling and I journeyed to West Liberty Ohio to visit the Ohio Caverns. Here’s what our experience was like and what we did while there. I’ve visited a couple different caverns in the past…

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