My goals for Christmas Break

After being so busy this past semester, I am so beyond happy to be on Christmas break. All semester I was mourning my free time, and I did not really have the opportunity to do anything except for homework. Even though I was slaving away all semester, I promised myself that I would make up for lost time over Christmas break. I have many goals for this break, and I plan to do great things with this month of free time. So, without further ado, here are my goals for Christmas break.

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Read books

I absolutely ADORE reading. (Which you probably already know because I have written about my love for books on this blog many, many times.) I have so many books that I want to read, and I was really upset this semester when I did not have time to read anything except my textbooks. Now that I have a month of free time, I hope to have my head buried in books for the majority of the time! I’m going to be reading some of the books that are on my Fall and Winter reading list, and I am so excited! If you have any book recommendations for me to read over break, please please please don’t be afraid to comment below or use the contact form to email me! I would really appreciate it!

Find some good vegetarian recipes

Since I don’t really have a kitchen in my dorm room, I need to experiment with recipes while I am at home. Sadly, my cafeteria doesn’t have many vegetarian options, (other than salad. I love salad, but if you’re a vegetarian, you know how irritating it can be to have to eat salad for every single meal) so last semester I was pretty much hangry 99.9% of the time. Next semester I am probably going to need to cook for myself more. I am allowed to have a croc pot, so I am definitely going to try to test some recipes using that. Perhaps in the future I can write a vegetarian food blog post. How bout it?

p.s– if you guys are needing a vegetarian/ vegan recipes, Liv B is the best. If you would like to check out her youtube, click here. She is mainly a youtuber but she also has a blog which you can find here. I watch her videos religiously–she has some of the best recipes out there. This isn’t in collaboration with her or anything, I just genuinely love her videos and recipes.

Draw and paint

I really love art, and this past semester I never even got the chance to open my sketchbook. So, over the break I am going to try to channel some of my creative energy into drawing and painting. The other day I started learning how to draw anime people, so I’ve been working on that a little bit, and it’s a lot of fun. I would really like to paint some canvas to decorate my room with also. Creating things is so important to me, so I really want to spend some time this break just doing art.

Start an Etsy

I’ve been thinking about starting an Etsy for a long time. Like I said, I love to create, I’m just not sure what exactly I would sell. I’ve been thinking about doing phone cases, paintings, printables, yarn work, home decor, bath and body stuff, etc. I would really love to start a business like that, I just have so many creative interests that I’m not sure what  I would focus it on. If any of you have an Etsy and have any advice for me, please let me know!

Play video games

This might seem like a weird goal to some people, but I love playing video games. Over break, I want to take some time to just kick back and play some games. Yesterday I resumed playing Zelda Skyward Sword, which I conveniently forgot to play for 2 years and never finished. So, I plan on finishing that game, and then I’m like 90% sure that I got a Switch for Christmas with Breath of the Wild (obviously I’m a Zelda fanatic) so if that is what I get, then I plan on playing and finishing that before I have to go back to school!

I also really love to play video games with my sister, so I hope to spend some quality time with her playing some games (probably COD).

Play with my dog

Oh my goodness guys, I missed my dog so much. It is SO nice to be home and able to play with him and snuggle him all the time. I’m sure a lot of you guys can relate. While I’m home, I hope to spend a lot of time playing with/ training my cute puppy.

Blog more

A big goal of mine this break is to blog more. I love to write, but after spending so much time writing/ doing homework this semester, sitting down to write a blog post can seem like a chore. I want to blog more while I have some free time though! Hopefully this break will help me to feel inspired to write and work on expanding my blog more.

Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you have the most joyful holiday season and spend lots of time relaxing, eating, and spending time with family. If you liked this post and would like to see more like it, don’t forget to subscribe by hitting the button below! Happy Holidays!