21 Amazing College Student Blog Ideas To Help You Figure Out The Best Thing To Write About
Are you considering starting a college blog and looking for college student blog ideas??? Here are some awesome ideas that will give you an idea of what to blog about as a college student.
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When I was a senior in high school and first started playing with the idea of starting a blog, I was obsessed with looking for college student blog ideas to help me figure out what I would write about. I had no clue where to even start. So, I looked to all of the best college student blogs for inspo, and found lots of unique blog ideas for college students, and eventually figured out what to write about!
As a recent college grad and someone who has had a college blog for 5 years now, I’m here to give you all the best blog topic ideas for students to help you figure out what to write about!!
After you read this post, you’ll have tons of college blog ideas and be so ready to start your very own blog!
This post is all about college student blog ideas to help you figure out what to write about.
The Best College Student Blog Ideas
Table of Contents
Why You Should Start A College Blog
Having a blog is basically owning a business if you treat it that way. It looks great on your resume, and you can even make money!! I started my blog my senior year of high school and throughout college I got free stuff all the time, made some money on the side that helped me pay my bills, and learned tons of skills that have helped me land other high paying jobs! It’s also a really fun way to document your college experience.
If you’re someone who is interested in being able to work from home on your own schedule and make passive income while you’re in school, blogging could be a great idea for you! It definitely isn’t a get rich quick thing, and it requires more effort than you’d think, but the work you put into a blog can seriously pay off.
If you’re seriously considering starting a blog in college, I have a whole post where I talk about why starting one as a student is an amazing idea. You can read it here!!
Related Post: 10 Amazing Reasons To Start Blogging In College
How To Figure Out What To Write About
My biggest tip for figuring out what to write about is to figure out the pain points of whoever you’re going to be writing to and help them solve their problems. For example, if your target audience is going to be other college students, their pain points might be a lack of money, being stressed out, not knowing how to live with a roommate, etc.
The trick is to find some pain points/ problems that you know how to help with and write about that! For example, during college I figured out ways to make money online, so now that is one of the things I write about to help college students learn how to do it!
Find what problems you can help with, and write blog posts about those. You can find problems by listening to your fellow students, but you can also do a google search to see what people are searching for to give you ideas!
College Blog Ideas
1. College Life
Before they go to college, a lot of people wonder what college life entails. Writing about college life in general can help future students know what to expect!
2. Study Tips
If you get good grades, you could write about study tips. College can be pretty difficult, and lots of people look for study tips to help them do their homework.
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3. Dorm Life
Writing about dorm life is another great idea for college blog posts! You could write about the things you need in a dorm, dorm cleaning, making friends in the dorm, etc.
4. Money And Budgeting
A lot of college students have issues with money and budgeting when they go to school. If you have experience with figuring out how to manage money well, this could be helpful for lots of people!
5. Greek Life
If you have experience with Greek Life that is something you could write blog posts about. You could write posts like how to get into a sorority, bid day ideas, etc.
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6. Study Abroad
Study abroad is something lots of college students might be curious about! If you have studied abroad you could share some tips on a blog!
7. Living With A Roommate
Living with a roommate for the first time in college can be weird to navigate, and lots of students need help with it! It’d be a great idea to write about things that could help other people out, like a roommate cleaning schedule, what to do if you end up with a terrible roommate, etc.
8. Internships
A lot of people need help figuring out how to get internships during college. If you’ve had an internship, you could give some tips on how you got it and what it was like.
9. Online Class Tips
Online classes have become more and more common since COVID started, but a lot of people really struggle with managing them. If you’ve cracked the code on how to manage online classes it would be really helpful for lots of students to learn about!
Related Post: July 2018 Income Report: How I made $80 with my college blog
10. Lifestyle
You could also just write about general life style things on your college blog. Things like self care tips, vegan tips, etc.
11. Fashion
If you’re fashion oriented, a fashion blog might be for you! I’ve heard a lot of people say that fashion blogs can be hard to make money from, though, so make sure you do some research on it beforehand!
12. Cooking
If you’re a good cook, you could totally have a cooking blog! I think an awesome college cooking blog idea would be showing people how they can cook in the dorms! I definitely would have read that when I first started college.
13. Travel
If you travel a lot, a travel blog would be a good lifestyle blog idea! Lots of people look for travel hacks. A good idea for writing about travel on a college blog would be showing college students how they can travel for cheap.
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14. College Apartment Tips
A lot of people move into their first apartment during college. If you’ve lived in an apartment before, you can share what you know about it and what you think others ought to know before moving into an apartment for the first time!
15. Back To School Tips
When it’s back to school season, lots of college students, especially freshman, look for back to school tips. You could give tips on what to do during the first week of school, how to make friends in your classes, etc.
16. Move In Day
When looking for back to school tips, a lot of first time college students look for tips for dorm move in. If you’ve moved into a dorm before you could share some tips for move in day!
17. Freshman Advice
A lot of college freshman look for general college advice before going to school. You could help them out with some freshman advice and things you wish you would’ve known as a freshman!
Related Post: 10 Amazing Reasons To Start Blogging In College
18. College Essentials
If you’ve been to college before, you probably know all about what you need to have in your dorm room, what you need for classes, etc. This could be a great thing to write about because lots of people search for what they should get before they go to college!
19. How To Make Friends In College
Something a lot of college students struggle with is making friends, especially if they’re going to college away from home. If you have tips for how people can make friends in college, that could be super helpful!
20. Class Outfit Ideas
If you want to write about college fashion specifically, you could write about outfit ideas for college classes!
21. Time Management And Productivity
Lots of students have issues with managing time and being productive when they first get to college because it is so different than high school. You could write about these two things to help other students out!
My Biggest Tip: Write About What You Know About
Everyone has a specific perspective and different experiences that they can use to help other people. Figuring out what to write about is mostly about figuring out what you’re good at and can help other people with! Write about what YOU know about and have experience in.
Want To Start A Blog???
Starting a blog in college was one of the best things I ever did. If you’re interested in learning how you can start your very own blog, I have a step by step post on how to start a blog here!

This post was all about college student blog ideas to help you start your blog.
More Posts You’ll Love:
10 Amazing Reasons To Start Blogging In College
July 2018 Income Report: How I made $80 with my college blog
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