11 Eco Friendly Home Products To Get For Your Apartment If You Want To Be More Sustainable
Want to know about some eco friendly home products you can get to replace things you use in your daily life? Today I’ll be telling you about some highly rated eco friendly products that can help your home be more green.
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In this day and age, a lot of us are feeling a big responsibility to take better care of the planet. There are so many different ways we can do this, but a good place to start is to replace things we use in our daily lives at home with eco friendly home products.
You’re going to learn about how to have a more eco friendly home, whether that’s by using eco friendly kitchen products, eco friendly laundry products, or eco friendly bathroom products.
After you read this post you’ll have all kinds of ideas for things you can get to be more eco friendly in your daily life.
This post is all about eco friendly home products that will help you live more sustainably.
The Best Eco Friendly Home Products
1. Sponges

If you’re looking to be more eco friendly, swapping your plastic dish sponges for more sustainable options can be a good place to start! I’ve used biodegradable sponges before and I liked them a lot.
2. Dish Soap

A lot of dish soap brands can contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment. This brand of eco friendly dish soap is free of harsh chemicals that can be bad for the earth and is perfect for people who have sensitive skin!

Another alternative to plastic sponges/ plastic dish soap bottles are dish brushes and dish soap bars. These products are a really good way to limit plastic use when it comes to doing your dishes!
3. Trash Bags

Using plastic trash bags is a necessary evil that we all probably do in our daily life. However, there is another option! These eco friendly trash bags are made from plants and have a reputation for being really strong and sturdy.
4. Paper Towels

Using paper towels can become pretty wasteful since you can only use them once and then they get thrown out. If you’re looking to ditch paper towels, these reusable cloth paper towels are so cute.

If you’re wanting to stick to traditional one-use paper towels but looking for a more eco friendly option, these paper towels made from recycled paper would be a good choice!
5. Reusable sandwich bags

Reusable sandwich bags can help keep plastic ziplock bags out of landfills. They fact that they’re reusable also makes them super convenient, you just wash them and then use them again!
6. Reusable cling wrap

I don’t know about you, but plastic cling wrap drives me NUTS. It’s super hard to tear off in a straight line, and you always either tear off way too much or not enough. This reusable cling wrap made with cloth and beeswax is a great alternative to plastic wrap.
7. Metal straws

Getting some metal straws can help cut back on the plastic straw use that comes with eating out. I love metal straws. They’re SO nice to have at home if you like smoothies, iced coffee, iced tea, etc. When I go out I always bring extras with me so that my friends can use them, too.
8. Detergent

This liquid-less laundry detergent will keep you from having to buy big plastic jugs of laundry detergent. I’ve not tried these sheets myself but they have amazing reviews on Amazon and allegedly smell fantastic, so I might just have to snatch some up once I run out of my detergent I have now.
9. Detergent Pods

If you’re someone who prefers the convenience of detergent pods, they have eco friendly options for those as well!
10. Dryer Balls

At my house we use dryer balls instead of fabric softener sheets. They not only help clothes dry faster, but are also reusable! If you want them to be scented with something you can even use essential oils to make them smell good.
11. Toilet Paper

If you’re looking for eco friendly toilet paper, this brand is so cute!
This post was all about eco friendly home products that will help you live more sustainably.
Take the next step in helping save our planet and make some of these eco friendly swaps in your home! Mother Nature will thank you for it. <3
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