18 Insanely Fun College Party Games Guaranteed To Be Crowd Pleasers

If you’re planning a college party and want to make sure everyone has a great time, you might be looking for college party games. Here are some of the best games for college parties!

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college party games

One of the best parts of college parties is the college party games you get to play.

There are so many classic college party games that you could play, along with some newer trendy ones that have been created!

After this post you’ll have so many amazing game ideas for a college party. Here are some of the best games to play that are sure to be crowdpleasers!

This post is all about the best college party games to play.

1. Drunk Jenga


This party game looks like so much fun. Basically you put custom prompts on each block and play jenga like normal. Whenever someone pulls a block on their turn, they have to do the prompt!

If you don’t want to paint the blocks and come up with prompts yourself, you could get a pre made kit like this one.

2. Mushroom Cup/ Waterfall


I saw some people in the comments saying this game is also called waterfall. To play this game, everyone takes turns placing cards on a solo cup, and whoever makes all the cards fall has to chug the drink!

3. Left Right Drink


To play this game you’ll need a pack of dice. Everyone takes turn rolling a die, and whatever number you land on is what you do!

If you roll a one, the person to your left drinks. You roll a two, the person to your right drinks. When you roll a three, you drink. If you roll a four, you give a drink to someone. When you roll a five, everyone drinks. If you roll a six, you drink twice.

4. Imposter Among Us

If you ever played among us, this drinking game is similar to that game. You do a certain number of shots with alcohol and a certain number of shots that are just water.

Each person drinks their shot and tries to make it seem like it was just water and then at the end everyone guesses who had the alcohol shots!

5. Tipsy Land

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This would be a super fun drinking board game to play. If you’ve ever played candy land, it’s like that, but as a drinking game!

6. Spin The Bottle Variation

This would be a great DIY college party game. You put prompts on a poster board and then spin a bottle and do whatever it lands on.

7. Chess Drinking Game

Chess as a drinking game is so clever. You use shots as the chess/ checkers pieces and when one gets “taken” by your opponent, you drink.

8. If You Sink It You Drink It

I’ve seen people playing this online and it looks like so much fun! Basically, you float a shot glass in a cup of some kind of juice/ drink mixer. Everyone takes turns pouring alcohol into the shot glass, and whoever sinks it drinks the whole cup!

9. Pull The String Drinking Game

To play this game, you tie one side of string to a shot and feed the other through a solo cup. Each person pulls a string and whatever shot they get, they drink.

10. Battleshots

This is the drinking game version of battleships. You can make your own board like they did (they made theirs out of pizza boxes), or you can get a pre made game like this one!

11. King’s Cup

King’s cup is a classic college party game. The rules are above! Basically you have the “king’s cup”in the middle. Everyone takes turns drawing cards. Every time a king is pulled, the person who pulled it pours a bit of their drink into the king’s cup. When the fourth king is pulled, the person who pulled it drinks the whole king’s cup.

12. Bouncy Castle/ Chandelier

To play this game you put a cup in the middle for each person. You take turns bouncing the balls into the tower. If you miss, you drink. If someone lands a ball in the tower, each player drinks their cup and then plays flip cup. The last person to flip their cup drinks the tower.

13. Some Are Regular Shots Some Are Water

To play this game, you make a line of shots with some being water and some being alcohol. You line cards out in front of the shots and then pull cards. Whatever card you pull, you take the shot with the matching card.

14. Corn Hole

Corn hole is another staple college party game. This is a great non drinking game to play if you have a bit of space like a backyard.

15. Beer Pong

Beer pong is THE college party game that you’ll see at almost every party. It’s so much fun.

16. Flip Cup

Flip cup is another common party game for college students. Here is a link to a guide on how to play.

17. Cards Against Humanity

If you’re wanting a card game to play at a college party, cards against humanity is a good one! It can be really funny, too.

18. Mafia

Mafia is another really great non drinking party game. It’s one of my personal favorite games of all time. Here’s a guide on the game rules.

This post was all about the best college party games that will make your party so fun.

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