When life kinda steals your lemons– A series of unfortunate events

Happy first week of school! I hope you all had a relaxing Christmas break. It was really nice to be off school, but my break was still kind of insane because I work retail.

I don’t post a lot about my life on social media, but I wanted to post a little life update #ontheblog because I feel like I owe it to you guys to let you in on the details of my life. If there are people who care enough about me to want to read about my life, then I will willingly post my business on the internet for those wonderful people to see.

Also, I think my grandma might give me an earful if I don’t write another blog post soon. She’s my number one fan!

So, yeah, that’s what today’s post is going to be! Let’s get riiiiight into it!

Cool stuff that’s happened

  • I finished last semester with all A’s!! Woohoo!
  • I finished the website that I got hired to build! If you want to see the fruits of my labor, click here to check it out!
  • Lots of dance parties with my dog hehe
  • My best friend moved into my apartment with me!

hmmm, speaking of my apartment, that leads me to the next section of this post…

Not-so-cool stuff that’s happened

  • My apartment…caught on fire
  • Okay, I feel like this one requires a bit more of an explanation lol. SO, story time.
  • Hima and I were big chillin’ sitting on the couch, eating lunch, watching Another Cinderella Story. You know, the usual.

    Then casually see an ambulance drive by our window. And we were both like “aw that sucks.”

    THEN, someone’s slamming on our door yelling “FIRE!”

    Long story short, a little kid upstairs had dropped a candle and caught the whole building on fire.

    I’m not going to bore you guys with all of the details of that day, but just know that it was an ORDEAL. Like waiting in a room for 5 hours to find out if our apartment was okay while people were freaking out, the news showing up, getting interviewed by Red Cross (bless Red Cross tbh they’re angels). It was a lot.

    They ended up evacuating everyone from the building and my roommate and I were living in a hotel for 5 days– during the FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL.

    Amidst all of the turmoil, things just kept going wrong.

    • We thought we were going to be reimbursed for the hotel because the manager was a family friend— we were wrong. There was some confusion and it turns out the family friend was working at a hotel in OKC, not Norman. (bye bye $420)
    • I got a $105 ticket for parking in my friend’s yard (which I did all last semester and NEVER got a ticket. What even, Norman police department???)
    • We FINALLY got moved into our new apartment (3 days late) and as we were moving the VERY LAST THING out of our old apartment, aka my beautiful coffee table with a glass center, we turned it too far and the center came out and SHATTERED all over the floor. RIP.
    • There were all kinds of things that were wrong with our apartment when we moved in that management hadn’t told us about. Broken heater, broken stove, no hot water. Bleh.

    Needless to say, this has been an insanely stressful week. However, Hima and I strove to stay optimistic, and we even coined a new motto in the process…

    “We’ll figure it out”

    Ryan and Hima 2019

    Now everything is slowly, but surely, going back to normal. I hope.

    Thank you for reading my extremely dramatic depiction of the past weeks events. I already know that when Hima reads this she’s going to roll her eyes and say that I’m a drama queen.

    Anyway, I hope your first week of school (and your beginning of 2019!!) is going better than mine. Feel free to let me know some good things that have happened to you in the comments below–it will brighten my day and I’ll love you forever.

    I’m gonna sign off for now. Again, thanks for reading! Be sure to subscribe by pressing the button below if you liked this post, and I’ll see you next time!